
Thursday, March 3, 2011

[Walkthrough FF IX] Pinacle Rocks

#NowPlaying: My Chemical Romance - Famous Last Words #nggerus to the max!

Revenge nih ceritanya, sekaligus ketagihan, hahaha :)).  ak terakhir main Final Fantasy IX baru sampe di disc 3 (di alexandria). Aku lampiasin sekarang di komputer. tapi masih macet juga di disc 3 shid...-__-"
Oke, aku mau ngasih walkthrough ato cara nyelesain misi di Pinacle Rock Final Fantasy IX biar dapet eidolonnya Ramuh - Penguasa Halilintar (bener ga ya? --a)
Oke, pertama temuin dulu semua lokasinya ramuh, liat di screenshot nih,

1. Di lokasi awal waktu jatuh, kamu balik lagi sebelum kemana2.

 2. Di sebelah kiri di tempat yang ada mooglenya (atasnya)

3. Di bawah tempat ke dua tadi, agak ketutupan dikit gapapa lah..

4. habis dari tempat ke 3, kamu jalan ke kiri, trus temuin di tempat dibawah ini.

5. Dari tempat ke 4, kamu naik ke atas, trus kamu ke kanan, nah, habis itu kamu loncat ke bawah (simbol tanda "?" nya muncul di sekitar atas dekat treasure box)

6. Oke, ke tempat ramuh yang nutupin jalan buat pergi.

Ini kunci jawaban pertanyaan ramuh di Pinacle Rock.

1. Once upon a time, 33 small countries fought together against an empire. One day, a rebel troop visited a man named Joseph, who lived with his daughter. Owing a debt to the troop, he gladly accepted their plea for help. They headed for a cavern in the snow field.

2. With Joseph's help, the troop defeated the adamantoise in the snow field cavern and acquired the Goddess Bell they neede to enter the empire's castle.

3. On their way home, they fell into a trap set by a traitor. Joseph gave up his life to save the troop. The troop left without telling Joseph's daughter, Nelly, about the tragedy.

Ending 1: "The fact that they did not report Joseph's death to his daughter was indicative of their guilt for failing to protect him. In the end, heroes are also human."

Ending 2: "Although Joseph's death was not reported to his daughter, the manner of his death speaks for itself. This is the story of a true hero.

Begining, cooperation, Silence, terakhir ending. ending ada 2, pilih mana aja. Endingnya itu ceritanya jadi penyimpulannya. kalo ak sih yg ak jadiin conclusion/kesimpulan yang "Hero"

Oke, moga bermanfaat! And Good Luck guys!


  1. gan,share donk cara biar nggak macet di disc 3 di alexandria di sungai ketika zidane dkk bicara
    Terima Kasih
